Member Business Meeting Agenda

Please mark your calendars for BioMADE’s Member Business Meeting, a series of virtual interactive and informative sessions on Nov. 1-3, 2021. This members-only event is the best opportunity to engage with BioMADE members, staff, and Committee leadership. We look forward to seeing all of our members at this event as we work together to build the foundation and path forward for the bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem across the nation. We have shifted our full inaugural Annual Member Meeting to spring 2022 in light of the COVID-19 resurgence.   

On November 1, members will hear directly from CEO Douglas Friedman, get an update on BioMADE’s Education and Workforce Development program, help shape the 4S program (safety, security, sustainability, and social responsibility), explore and discuss the Transition Technical Roadmap, and network with other members.    

On November 2-3, attend sessions on BioMADE’s upcoming Project Call for both Education and Workforce Development projects and Technology and Innovation projects. Hear from program leaders about priorities, best practices, and more. BioMADE leadership will also be discussing the recently released Request for Information for the National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing. BioMADE will be leading a response and we encourage you to share your thoughts with us.   

Throughout the meeting, there will be plenty of time to participate in discussions, ask questions, and engage in networking opportunities to meet other members. We will also host virtual coffee bars before and after the meetings for additional member engagement. A full agenda is below, and registration will open soon.    

This meeting is for BioMADE members only. Anyone from your organization may attend. If your organization is not a member yet, join by October 27 to be able to be informed about and contribute to BioMADE’s efforts and strategy for 2022 and beyond.  There will be separate webinars with details about the Project Calls later in November for non-members.  

Monday, November 1  

Welcome from BioMADE CEO Douglas Friedman  

11:00 eastern | 10:00 central | 8:00 pacific   

Education and Workforce Development Program Overview  

11:15 eastern | 10:15 central | 8:15 pacific  

Attend this session to hear from BioMADE Chief Workforce Development Officer Tom Tubon about the latest developments in BioMADE's EWD program, and how industry can be a partner on EWD efforts in the upcoming Project Call.   

Safety, Security, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility (4S) at BioMADE  

11:30 eastern | 10:30 central | 8:30 pacific   

4S Committee chairs and BioMADE members will explore how BioMADE is identifying strategies to integrate 4S principles into its programs, and how you can build them into project proposals. There will be time to provide input and ask questions.    

BioMADE's Transition Technical Roadmap  

12:30 eastern | 11:30 central | 9:30 pacific  

Hear from Deputy Chief Technology Officer Mike Smanski about BioMADE's Transition Technical Roadmap, including insights into BioMADE's MADE modules (manipulate, accumulate, de-risk, execute), and actionable steps to advance bioindustrial manufacturing processes from the proof-of-concept stage to commercial readiness. There will also be a brief introduction to the BioMADE Technical Committee, plus time to ask questions.  

BioMADE Leadership Council   

2:00 – 3:30 eastern | 1:00 – 2:30 central | 11:00 – 12:30 pacific   

The Leadership Council is BioMADE’s top programmatic governing body. It is made up of representatives from each membership tier and sets the strategic direction of the institute with input from BioMADE’s other members. At this inaugural meeting of the Leadership Council, Doug will describe its role and charter, some of the main functions of the group, and move into an agenda of discussion items important to BioMADE’s next steps and the mission of advancing bioindustrial manufacturing. The first 30 minutes of this meeting will be open to Leadership Council representatives only; all members will be able to observe the final 60 minutes.  

Tuesday, November 2  

BioMADE's Second Project Call for Education and Workforce Development Projects  

11:00 eastern | 10:00 central | 8:00 pacific   

Learn about project funding opportunities, best practices, priorities, and more for Education and Workforce Development projects. There will be time to ask questions. Led by Tom Tubon, Chief Workforce Development Officer and Seth Thompson, Education and Workforce Development Program Officer.  

 BioMADE Workforce Development Committee   

1:30 – 3:00 eastern | 12:30 – 2:00 central | 10:30 – 12:00 pacific   

The Workforce Development Committee leads BioMADE’s education and workforce development efforts. Committee members will discuss subcommittee makeup and charge, begin setting strategic direction, start working on ecosystem mapping, and more. The first 60 minutes of this meeting will be open to Workforce Development Committee members only; all members will be able to observe the final 30 minutes.   

Wednesday, November 3  

Technical Committee   

11:00 –12:30 eastern | 10:00 – 11:30 central | 8:00 – 9:30 pacific  

The Technical Committee serves as the focal point for BioMADE’s technical objectives. Committee members will discuss subcommittee makeup and charge, the Transition Technical Roadmap, defining Bio-Manufacturing Readiness Levels, and more. This meeting will be open to Committee members only. 

BioMADE's Second Project Call for Technology and Innovation Projects  

12:30 eastern | 11:30 central | 9:30 pacific  

Learn about project funding opportunities, best practices, priorities, and more for Technology and Innovation projects. There will be time for Q&A. Led by Steve Evans, Interim Chief Technology Officer, Penny Norquist, Senior Program Manager, and Clem Fortman, Director of Program Management.   

 Teaming Opportunities  

3:00 eastern | 2:00 central | 12:00 pacific  

Members will have three minutes and one slide to share about their organization's capabilities and needs in order to facilitate project teaming. Organizations will sign up in advance for a time slot. 


Register for BioMADE’s Member Business Meeting!


Welcome September 2021 BioMADE Members!