Technology and Innovation
BioMADE is moving the bioindustrial manufacturing industry forward by funding innovative research, reducing barriers to scaling-up and commercialization, and de-risking investment in relevant infrastructure. BioMADE accelerates the commercialization of modern biotechnology products and identifies domestic supplies of important materials by focusing on the pilot-scale Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRLs) 4-7.
Through technical innovation, improved domestic infrastructure availability, and maintaining robust connectivity among sectors, BioMADE de-risks the process of bringing new products to market and stimulates investment in biomanufacturing. The direct outcome of these research and development efforts will be to develop and expand industrial and defense-related biomanufacturing in the United States.
BioMADE has a national network of over 300 members spanning industry, academia, and non-profit organizations. BioMADE projects are expected to create solutions to problems broadly impacting the bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem and generate intellectual property available initially to BioMADE members.
Develop predictive models, new tools, and robust platforms that ease the transition from lab to production scale.
Produce relevant scales as quickly and efficiently as possible, by leveraging a network of preferred sites capable of pilot-scale production.
Explore and evaluate new technologies, particularly around scale-up and downstream processing, and partner with stakeholders to clarify market potential.
Focus on manufacturing at pilot and intermediate scale to readily transition to production partners.
Focus Areas
There are several technology areas ripe for innovation, process improvement, and product development. BioMADE’s strength comes from combining these areas into similar classes and approaching them systematically. BioMADE’s key thrust areas are:
Data and design
Downstream processing
Testing and evaluation
Resilient bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem
Commercial readiness
Digital Backbone
BioMADE is creating a one-of-a-kind digital backbone, which fills an unmet need to provide a unified computational infrastructure for bioproduction-centered collaboration across industry, academia, and the Department of Defense. Built upon a secure private cloud, the digital backbone provides sophisticated yet customizable data models that are specialized for bioproduction. Using these models, the digital backbone enables input, analysis, and controlled sharing of archival data as well as data generated in real-time by active production campaigns. BioMADE’s digital backbone is available to members only.
Technical Roadmaps
A key service that BioMADE provides are Technical Roadmaps, which guide research efforts at BioMADE and beyond. These documents include a vision for advancing bioindustrial manufacturing processes and technology to commercial readiness, as well as a direct path with actionable needs and steps to reach that vision. Full, detailed roadmaps are available to members only.
Technology and Innovation Projects
Technical research and development priorities are established and updated annually by the BioMADE Technical Committee, a working group composed of representatives from member organizations and other relevant stakeholders. Throughout the course of the year, BioMADE will have Roadmap-driven Project Calls aligned to the priorities established by the Technical Committee. Additionally, Open Project Calls will give member organizations an opportunity to identify short-term, high-impact projects that will benefit the bioindustrial manufacturing community. BioMADE project teams are expected to reflect robust interactions between industry, academia, and various federal research efforts.
Photo (c) Ginkgo Bioworks