Project Calls
Photo (c) Worcester Polytechnic Institute
BioMADE periodically accepts white paper submissions for projects that contribute to building a sustainable, domestic, end-to-end bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem. Projects that enable domestic bioindustrial manufacturing, develop technologies to enhance U.S. bioindustrial competitiveness, de-risk investment in relevant infrastructure, and expand the biomanufacturing workforce to realize the economic promise of industrial biotechnology are encouraged. Become a member to always be in-the-know about new Project Calls.
BioMADE’s programmatic priorities are established and updated annually by BioMADE Committees, working groups that are composed of representatives from member organizations and other relevant stakeholders. Throughout the course of the year, BioMADE may have Project Calls aligned to the priorities established by Committees; open requests for proposals that give member organizations the opportunity to identify short-term, high-impact projects that will benefit the bioindustrial manufacturing community; and topic-specific project calls based on available funding.
Project Call 5.0 Now in Full Proposal Stage
Technology &
Projects that enable bioindustrial manufacturing, develop technologies to enhance U.S. bioindustrial competitiveness, and de-risk investment in relevant infrastructure.
Education & Workforce Development
Projects that expand the biomanufacturing workforce by building awareness, preparing the future workforce, and supporting the current workforce.
4S – Social Dimensions
Projects that advance BioMADE’s commitment to safety, security, sustainability, and social responsibility.
Topic-Specific Project Calls
Projects that address one or more specific needs in the bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem, made available based on specific funding opportunities.
How-To Series
Have questions about how cost share works, or looking for tips for putting together your budget? Look no further! Watch these short, helpful videos to help you along the Project Call process.
Frequently Asked Questions
All organization(s) seeking BioMADE funding must be BioMADE members in good standing, with a signed membership agreement, at the time of white paper submission (no later than January 22, 2025). Membership is not required for partner organization(s) who are exclusively receiving NSF funding and exclusively contributing to the NSF-funded project components. If an organization seeking BioMADE funding is not a current BioMADE member, the organization will need to return a signed membership agreement to BioMADE by January 17, 2025 to ensure the membership agreement can be fully executed by January 22, 2025. Learn more about becoming a member here.
Project Details
The maximum project duration for Roadmap-directed Technology and Innovation projects is three years. For Education and Workforce Development projects, the expected project duration is 18-24 months, although longer project periods will be considered if they can be sufficiently justified.
We strongly encourage teaming in the White Paper submission process. Organizations may be part of multiple team submissions. In addition, a lead organization can submit more than one white paper, providing that the scope of work is sufficiently distinct to warrant a separate submission.
BioMADE is focused on growing domestic manufacturing capabilities. International organizations are eligible to participate under certain circumstances. Any team seeking to partner with a foreign institution or to spend funds outside the U.S. is required to discuss the plan and justification with a BioMADE Program Manager prior to submitting a full proposal, as foreign participation requires prior approval.
BioMADE encourages teaming among organizations. Start by reviewing the list of current BioMADE members here.
To facilitate the formation of project teams, we request information about capabilities, equipment, and areas of research interest from member organizations. Organizations are also encouraged to indicate what holes they are trying to fill with a partnership.
This information will be disseminated to other organizations. Please do not include any proprietary or confidential information in the teaming slides.
Multiple slides can be submitted if your organization has multiple project teams.
Slide templates will be made available when there is an open Project Call.
To initiate a partnership with another organization, we encourage you to reach out directly to the point of contact listed. Alternatively, you are free to reach out to your own networks to find potential partners. Please keep in mind that partners must become BioMADE members should the White Paper be advanced to a full proposal.
Cost Share
No, project cost share contributions do not count toward BioMADE membership dues. Membership contribution requirements are met by the annual payment of cash membership dues and annual fulfillment of in-kind dues. Membership in-kind dues are separate from project cost share requirements and are contributed through various means, including but not limited to (i.) dedicating documented time/effort to BioMADE-sanctioned activities that advance the institute’s mission, (ii.) provision of equipment or other physical infrastructure to BioMADE, and (iii.) provision of software or other virtual infrastructure to BioMADE.
Reporting must be completed quarterly, on standard reporting templates to be provided by BioMADE. The fulfillment of membership in-kind dues is to be completed by the end of the member’s twelve-month membership cycle.
Any work on an Institute-funded project that is not reimbursed by the Federal Government can be counted as cost share, provided it meets the requirements noted in the cost share guidance document. Participation in a BioMADE event (e.g., quarterly meetings, program review, Committee and Council meetings, etc.) can be counted as cost share, provided those costs have not already been reimbursed by the Federal Government. Other cost share brought to BioMADE to further its mission and for the benefit of its members will be reviewed and evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine value and allowability. BioMADE will make it as easy as possible to earn cost share; please reach out to hello@biomade.org if you have ideas or questions.
No, cost share must run concurrent to the project period of performance denoted in a member’s BioMADE subaward, or the BioMADE program when appropriate.
Yes, monthly reports should be submitted, even if no cost share was incurred or contributed.
Yes, supporting documentation is required with submission of monthly project cost share reports. Additionally, the member reporting the cost share must keep all documents for audit purposes.
All cost share is recorded and tracked by BioMADE specific to each BioMADE contributing member. Monthly invoices will be reconciled with the quarterly Standard Form 425.
Each sub-recipient is responsible for tracking Institute-funded project cost share for their 2nd tier subawardees (sub-sub recipients). All 2nd tier sub-awardee cost share must be included in the first tier subrecipient’s monthly cost share reporting.
If your organization already has a federally negotiated ICR rate, BioMADE will honor it. If your organization does not have a federally negotiated rate, a reasonable rate can be negotiated with BioMADE.
Please review this document: 2CFR 200.430 Compensation – personal services, which provides direction under the Uniform Guidance related to what is and isn’t allowed. Salaries must be reasonable, allowable and follow the conditions set out in 2CFR 200.430(i).
Sometimes. Pre-award expenses will need to be evaluated and approved by a Program Manager for reasonable programmatic reasons. The time window is 90 days.
Note: this allowance requires contract modification language. If you don’t see language specifically authorizing such expenditures (typically found in 2a of the Subaward Agreement), please notify the BioMADE contracting team or your Program Manager and request that the language be added.
Per the Uniform Guidance, “No proposal costs of past accounting periods will be allocable to the current period.” (2CFR 200.460)
BioMADE is under certain obligations to begin and complete projects in a timely fashion. Therefore, time is of the essence in contract negotiations. Notices of AWARD/OPTION/OFFER are not final until an agreement is fully executed by both parties. If a fully executed agreement is not established by the deadline stated in the award letter, the offer may need to be withdrawn.