Social Dynamics Surrounding Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Products 

Members: University of Georgia and Tandem Repeat

Year launched: 2023 

Tandem Repeat Technologies has developed a sustainable protein material, Squitex (squid ring teeth inspired textile), that yields superior properties (e.g., mechanical, chemical, durability, and recyclability) when blended with cellulose. The major clothing brands require a sustainable, performance alternative to cotton/polyester/elastane blends to meet the demands of their growing eco- conscious customer base. However, wide adoption of bio-manufactured articles like those made from Squitex can be achieved only by understanding public perception in the context of real products, as public sentiment can have pronounced effects on the timing and direction of innovation and on rates of uptake of technology, and its products. 

In partnership with the University of Georgia, this project will investigate the intersection of bioindustrial manufacturing and public opinion by building the first batch of Squitex articles and using them to motivate and anchor three separate data collections on messaging in biotechnology. The first of these data collections will be a baseline survey to identify current public awareness, perceptions, and knowledge of the technology. The second will be a public workshop/focus group where participants will have an opportunity to interact with a bioindustrial manufactured product. A primary goal will be to observe how interaction and experience with the product alters initial perceptions of both the product and the industry as a whole. Finally, we will conduct a survey-experiment where we will empirically test audience reaction to different “framings” of bioindustrial manufacturing. The primary goal of this data collection is to see how different presentations of bioindustrial manufacturing impact audience attitudes and opinions to aide in future communications about the industry. 

The data from this project can be used to inform communication strategies for not just Squitex products, but bioindustrially manufactured products overall and the industry as a whole. The data will be valuable for groups working at all phases of development of bioindustrially manufactured products. 

Funding source: U.S. Department of Defense