New Bill Would Create First-of-its-Kind Bioindustrial Manufacturing Campus in Minnesota
S.F. 2598 will establish Minnesota as a national leader in the new bioeconomy
MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL, MN – March 15, 2023 – The Minnesota Senate Jobs and Economic Development Committee today held an informational hearing on BioMADE today as part of a discussion on S.F. 2598, which would empower BioMADE to create a bioindustrial manufacturing innovation and production campus in Minnesota. This first-of-its-kind project would put Minnesota in the center of a 21st century transformation to American manufacturing.
"There is a critical need for domestic pilot-scale bioindustrial manufacturing infrastructure to catalyze the next-generation bioeconomy. Today, U.S. companies are often required to go overseas to access these facilities, which causes delays and increased costs that hamper U.S. competitiveness,” said Dr. Douglas Friedman, BioMADE CEO. “BioMADE is working to establish a network of pilot facilities nationwide and we’re thrilled that Minnesota is poised to take a leadership role to establish the first of these on an innovation and production campus.”
The cornerstone of the campus will be a state-of-the-art pilot plant that will attract industry, inspire innovation, and create well-paying jobs. The pilot plant would seed the development of additional commercial-scale bioindustrial manufacturing production facilities on the same site.
“Building this campus here will make Minnesota an epicenter of the movement to revolutionize manufacturing,” said Rep. Betty McCollum (MN-04), Ranking Member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. “If we embrace this moment and this opportunity, Minnesota can be at the head of the table and lead the nation. Products of the future will be made with biomanufacturing. If we act, we can make them right here in Minnesota. A brighter future for our nation starts here.”
Currently, the U.S. has a foundational gap in the infrastructure required to transition from laboratory research and development to commercial production. This often results in American companies moving their manufacturing overseas to Europe and Asia. To address this, Congress has initiated a multi-year effort to catalyze the creation of pilot-scale infrastructure. Building this domestic infrastructure will re-shore manufacturing jobs, strengthen American competitiveness by creating a more resilient supply chain, and retain American research and development efforts.
“Minnesota agriculture enjoys a deep and long tradition of excellence that has prepared Minnesotan farmers to be leaders in the future of agriculture,” said Minnesota State Sen. Aric Putnam, the bill’s lead author. “This is a compelling opportunity to build on Minnesota’s strengths. Through this collaboration, we will grow new technologies and new commercial opportunity for all of America.”
“Minnesota’s investment in a bioindustrial manufacturing campus will catalyze an ecosystem where companies will co-locate, creating thousands of jobs and launching new manufacturing opportunities,” said Dr. Florian Schattenmann, Chief Technology Officer for Cargill. “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Minnesota that will be good for industry, farmers, the workforce, and our state. We’re proud to be part of the BioMADE network.”
Bioindustrial manufacturing uses biology to convert agricultural feedstocks and waste streams to high-value chemicals, materials, and products. Cement, fire-resistant materials, durable fibers, bioplastics, food products, and more can all be created through bioindustrial manufacturing.
“This is an exciting opportunity as we work to build this new national bioeconomy,” concluded Friedman. “From the farm to the manufacturing floor, Minnesota has the key pieces of the puzzle needed to move forward with the future of American manufacturing.”
(c) Senate Media Services