STEMconnector & BioMADE Innovation Lab

Exploring the Bioindustrial Manufacturing Workforce: Opportunities, Challenges, and Emerging Trends

STEMconnector, in partnership with BioMADE, is hosting an Innovation Lab that will convene BioMADE education and workforce development stakeholders. This workshop aims to foster new collaborations and partnerships that will support a robust bioindustrial manufacturing workforce. The Innovation Lab will be Wednesday, July 20 and Thursday, July 21.

In this 2-day event, attendees will participate in interactive sessions focused on key issues in this field, network and make meaningful connections with BioMADE members, and contribute to this critical workforce development effort.

This workshop will convene BioMADE members and relevant stakeholders to advance the following objectives:

  • Build new connections with stakeholders across the bioindustrial manufacturing landscape

  • Engage in interactive programming offering insights and perspectives about the bioindustrial education and workforce development (EWD) ecosystem.

  • Explore the BioMADE environmental scan developed by STEMconnector

  • Contribute to workshop proceedings that will inform BioMADE’s EWD efforts

Click here for additional details and to register.


New Project Call: Schmidt Futures Bioreactor Innovation


Welcome May 2022 BioMADE Members!