BioMADE Project Call Now Open

BioMADE is now accepting White Paper submissions for projects that contribute to building a sustainable, domestic, end-to-end bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem. Projects that enable domestic bioindustrial manufacturing, develop technologies to enhance U.S. bioindustrial competitiveness, de-risk investment in relevant infrastructure, and expand the biomanufacturing workforce to realize the economic promise of industrial biotechnology will be considered. 

Technology and Innovation 

Successful Technology and Innovation submissions will address innovation priority areas identified in the BioMADE Transition Technical Roadmap and focus on processes or technologies within Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRLs) 4-7. Innovation areas are organized within four modules: 

  • Manipulate: Develop predictive models, new tools, and robust platforms that ease the transition from lab to production scale. 

  • Accumulate: Produce relevant scales as quickly and efficiently as possible, by leveraging a network of preferred sites capable of pilot-scale production. 

  • Downstream processing: Explore and evaluate new technologies, particularly around scale-up and downstream processing, and partner with stakeholders to clarify market potential. 

  • Execute: Focus on manufacturing at pilot and intermediate scale to readily transition to production partners. 

BioMADE is particularly interested in proposals that address the technical needs identified in the Accumulate and De-risk modules, and specifically innovation areas A1 and D2. Compliant project proposals will identify which innovation area and technical need is being addressed and how successful completion of the project will impact the community. Projects may address one or multiple areas. More details on Manufacturing Readiness Levels and the MADE modules can be found in the Project Call. 

Education and Workforce Development 

Successful Education and Workforce Development projects will advance the current and future bioindustrial manufacturing workforce and will fall into one of three priority areas: 

  • Building awareness: Projects that generate increased awareness of bioindustrial manufacturing with key stakeholders, including traditional (e.g. community college and university students) and non-traditional (e.g. veterans, manufacturing workforces that require re-training, etc.) audiences. 

  • Training the pre-employment workforce: Projects that focus on closing the skills and competencies gaps identified by our industrial members. Of particular interest are proposals that focus on training opportunities that integrate learning across multiple disciplines, including but not limited to engineering, biology, chemistry, materials science, computer science, data analytics, and economics. 

  • Advancing the current workforce: Projects that provide innovative approaches for training the current workforce to develop skills related to cutting-edge technologies, such as training in an emerging industry-relevant technology for the existing bioindustrial workforce or training in core bioindustrial skills and competencies for non-bioindustrial workforces. 

BioMADE is particularly interested in proposals that demonstrate strong commitment and collaborations with industry members that extends beyond general consultations or advising from these partners. Additionally, collaborative projects that involve BioMADE members across several of the membership tiers are highly desirable. Reach out to if you’d like to run your idea past BioMADE’s EWD program manager. More details on BioMADE’s Education and Workforce Development goals and priorities can be found in the Project Call

Additional Details and Considerations 

White papers are due December 21, 2021. 

BioMADE is committed to incorporating safety, security, sustainability, and social responsibility into its projects. Proposals should include how they will further this mission, by improving safety and security of biological engineering and/or by commitments to sustainability and societal issues in ways beyond revenue or capital growth. 

Promoting and advancing greater diversity, equity and inclusion within the biomanufacturing field is also critical to BioMADE projects. BioMADE seeks partners who have a demonstrated ability to achieve biomanufacturing innovation and a commitment to advancing opportunities that foster a diverse, inclusive and equitable workforce. Projects partners are expected to demonstrate their commitment and strategy for achieving a diverse workforce through their proposed implementation plan. 

Membership is required at the time of white paper submission for the lead organization. Membership will be required for all organizations at the time of full proposal submission. Click here for information about becoming a BioMADE member

Answers to frequently asked questions about BioMADE Project Calls are on our website. If you have additional questions, please contact


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