BioMADE Announces Key Leadership Appointments

BioMADE is pleased to announce the hiring of three key leaders: Melanie Tomczak as Chief Technology Officer, Mustapha Beydoun as Chief Financial and Operating Officer, and Jayne Laiprasert as Senior Corporate Counsel. These leaders are key to working with members to set BioMADE priorities and direction, leading innovative technology programs, and growing the bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem in the U.S.   

  • Melanie Tomczak, Chief Technology Officer:  
    As Chief Technology Officer, Tomczak will develop, support, and oversee BioMADE technical priorities, drive strategic decisions on bioindustrial manufacturing technology, and manage a programmatic budget to catalyze innovation and manufacturing capability nationally. Tomczak’s scientific background is in biotechnology, biochemistry, biosensor development, protein structure-function relationships, and co-opting what nature does well. She has extensive experience working with the Department of Defense, industry, and academia across a wide range of technology areas. She holds a Ph.D. in Plant Biology from the University of California – Davis.

  • Mustapha Beydoun, Chief Financial and Operating Officer (CFOO):
    As CFOO, Beydoun is responsible for developing and executing a strategy for the smooth and effective administration of the institute, while working with the members and leadership to develop BioMADE’s vision, goals, and growth strategies. He leads the fiduciary management of the nonprofit corporation and oversees all business services, operational and compliance activities, and ensures that BioMADE resources are managed efficiently, effectively, and responsibly in support of the organization’s mission and members. Beydoun joins BioMADE with extensive experience working with industry, researchers, academia, community groups, developers, and government to help find solutions for a sustainable future. He holds a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from The Ohio State University.

  • Jayne Laiprasert, Senior Corporate Counsel:  
    As Senior Corporate Counsel, Laiprasert will provide strategic legal advice, counsel on complex business matters, and advise on patent, data, and privacy compliance, intellectual property sharing, and licensing. Laiprasert joins BioMADE after more than sixteen years in private legal practice, representing clients of all sizes on a wide array of business issues such as intellectual property, privacy and security, and commercial contracts. She holds a J.D. from Columbia Law School and a master's degree in International Public Affairs from Columbia University.

The addition of these three key senior leaders rounds out BioMADE’s executive leadership team, joining Douglas Friedman, CEO, and Thomas Tubon, Chief Workforce Development Officer.  

BioMADE extends its deepest appreciation to Steve Evans, Interim Chief Technology Officer, whose vision, leadership, and passion was integral to BioMADE’s establishment and standup. Evans, a pioneer in applied biotechnology, will remain with BioMADE as a Senior Technical Fellow. BioMADE also thanks Diane Pierotti, Interim Chief Financial Officer, who oversaw the creation of BioMADE’s financial and operating systems. Pierotti will remain involved with BioMADE as a Senior Advisor. Finally, BioMADE is grateful to Peggy Huston, Interim Chief Administrative Officer, for her role recruiting new team members and building out administrative processes and procedures. 


Welcome February 2022 BioMADE Members!


Announcing 16 Projects to Accelerate Bioindustrial Manufacturing in the U.S.