Attend BioMADE’s Virtual Launch Event

BioMADE was announced in October 2020 with an award from the Department of Defense, and now we’re ready to hit the ground running! Join BioMADE staff and other industry leaders for our official launch event on April 28 to learn how BioMADE will support innovation, strengthen the U.S. bioeconomy, and build a new workforce development program. 

Join BioMADE on Wednesday, April 28 from 3:00 – 5:00 EDT | 12:00 – 2:00 PDT.  
You’ll learn about the important role BioMADE is playing to build a sustainable, domestic end-to-end ecosystem that will enable bioindustrial manufacturing at all scales, develop technologies to enhance U.S. bioindustrial competitiveness, de-risk investment in relevant infrastructure, and expand the biomanufacturing workforce to realize the economic promise of industrial biotechnology. 
Speakers include BioMADE CEO Douglas Friedman, Congressman John Garamendi, University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel, and several other academic experts, industry leaders, and government officials.  
3:00 - 5:00 EDT / 12:00 - 2:00 PDT 
Click here to register 
You can also learn more about our work at If you have questions about the event, please email


New Biomanufacturing Institute BioMADE Launches April 28


DoD Approves $87 Million for Newest Bioindustrial Manufacturing Innovation Institute