New Project Call: Safety, Security, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility (4S)

BioMADE is now accepting white paper submissions for projects that advance, apply, or implement research, knowledge, insights, or best practices focused on one or more of the 4S pillars of safety, security, sustainability, and social responsibility. Projects should apply to biomanufacturing innovation and commercialization and be of value to our member ecosystem.

Priority funding areas include:

  • Public attitudes toward bioindustrial manufacturing

  • Safety, security, and the regulatory landscape

  • Supply chain resilience and opportunities in biomanufacturing 

  • General opportunities within or across the 4S pillars

Incorporating these 4S principles strengthens and accelerates the bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem, improves safety and security, fosters innovation, helps products successfully reach commercialization, and creates pathways to societal benefit and greater public trust, acceptance, and adoption of biomanufactured products.

White papers are due April 29. This funding opportunity is only open to BioMADE members; membership is required at the time of white paper submission for the lead organization. All project partners will need to be BioMADE members by the time of the full proposal submission.

Informational Webinar

Sign up for a members-only informational webinar on April 7 here. Attend this webinar to learn more about the 4S program, ask questions about the project call and network with other BioMADE members. The webinar will include:

  • 4S Highlights Discussion: Special guest Ed You, National Counterintelligence Officer for Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, NCSC and ODNI, will discuss 4S in the context of security considerations for bioindustrial manufacturing with 4S Committee Chairs Alta Charo and Gigi Gronvall

  • Overview of the 4S Project Call and priority funding areas with plenty of time for questions and answers

  • Teaming opportunities: Organizations looking to form or join a project team may sign up to present a teaming slide to showcase their goals and capabilities at the conclusion of the webinar


BioMADE encourages teaming among organizations for this Project Call. If you're looking for a project team for a 4S white paper, sign up to present a teaming slide at the informational webinar on April 7. Organizations may have one slide and roughly 3 minutes to present. There are two easy steps:

  • Download the slide template and fill it out with information about capabilities, areas of interest, and what gaps you are trying to fill with a partnership, or highlight your organization’s areas of interest.

  • Send the completed slide to with the subject line “4S Teaming.”

In addition to being presented live on April 7, this information may be disseminated via email to other BioMADE members who are interested in participating on BioMADE projects. Please do not include any proprietary or confidential information in the teaming slides.

To initiate a partnership with another organization, we encourage you to reach out directly to the point of contact listed on the slide. Alternatively, you are free to reach out to your own networks to find potential partners. Please keep in mind that partners must become BioMADE members should the white paper be advanced to a full proposal. Contact 4S Program Manager Toby Warden at with any questions about teaming.

Submitting White Papers

This will be a two-step solicitation. All proposals require submission of a maximum three-page, single-spaced white paper prior to submission of a full proposal. White papers will be reviewed by BioMADE staff to determine their ability to address the requirements of the Project Call instructions. Suitable projects will be invited for full proposal submission.

Key dates for proposal submission and decisions for 4S Project Call 1.0 are as follows:

  • March 16, 2022: 4S Project Call 1.0 is released.

  • April 7, 2022, 12-2pm EDT: BioMADE 4S project call webinar will explore the 4S pillars, discuss program requirements, provide teaming opportunities, and answer questions about the proposal submission process.

  • April 29, 2022: White papers are due by 8pm EDT.

BioMADE anticipates providing announcement of advancement or decline to the full proposal stage by June 15, 2022. Teams should plan to submit full proposals within a month of notice of selection.

Download the white paper template here.

Submit white papers electronically via this submission form. Proposers invited to submit a full proposal will receive additional information on required materials. White paper and proposal documents should be submitted as Word documents, PDF documents, and/or Excel files (budgets must be recorded using the budget template provided). Late submissions will not be considered. Team leads are generally expected to collect details on the budget and cost share for all sub-awardees.

More Information and Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about project funding here. For questions about the submission process, reach out to For questions about the 4S program, reach out to Program Manager Toby Warden at


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