Manufacturing of Feed Additive Recombinant Probiotic Products for Improved Poultry Growth

Lead organization: General Probiotics 

Year launched: 2021 

Through this project, member General Probiotics has developed a live therapeutic that can be added to chicken feed to support the production of healthy, sustainable, and affordable animal protein. This recombinant probiotic product has been shown to prevent bacterial necrotic enteritis in chickens, helping raise poultry without antibiotics. 

General Probiotics has tested its product in field trials and showed that it lowers mortality caused by Clostridia perfringens, as well as improves poultry growth and feed conversion ratio. With BioMADE’s support, the General Probiotics team advanced their product from Manufacturing Readiness Level 4 to Manufacturing Readiness Level 7 and demonstrated the feasibility of commercial-scale production. As of October 2023, General Probiotics has established partnerships with major U.S. poultry producers, which have requested enough probiotic for 650,000 birds. 

Funding source: U.S. Department of Defense